Thursday, 9 August 2012

Assembly sharing

A Silly Song...

We have been working hard today on our sharing for main school assembly... We will be sharing a song using actions and props on Monday 20th August.
We would love it if you are able to come along and see our sharing... We are very excited to present it!!!

Just to give you a snippet...
There will be a boy wearing pink pyjamas, a girl wearing flippers and slippers, a man with rubbish on his head and a lady with clothes made of lollipops!!!


  1. Hi Room 8
    This is the first time I've had a good read of your blog. It is really great to see some of the things you have been learning. I am showing some teachers at our school how to blog today and I am going to show them this one!
    Lily has been singing The Silly Song for a few weeks and I think we know all the words!
    I can't wait to see some work from your Art intensive.
    Lavinia Robyns
